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- Not Content Issue 0.1: The AI Playbook for Teams
Not Content Issue 0.1: The AI Playbook for Teams
I'm sorry I haven't been in touch - I do have a good excuse though...
You're reading NotConfusing - the < 5-minute lowdown on ai tools for creatives, brands creatives and agencies.
I know I know - I've been super slack. So slack that you haven't heard from me - well ever. I'm sorry.
But here is why:
I've had my head down building NotContent and working with the likes of Tommy Hilfiger, Google, and Yahoo on their creative this year - all with brand new Ai workflows, the latest and greatest tools and a dizzying amount of new techniques. See The Sizzle Reel Here.
I've been speaking on and spoken about on podcasts, panels, live events and spaces about the intersection of design, creativity and AI - it's been a LOT of fun.
I've ALSO been collaborating with my friend Mia Blume from Design Dept. on a series of talks, workshops and podcasts about all of this. We've been out teaching some of the world's best brands and companies on HOW to approach this new creative world we find ourselves in.
Between Mia and I, this year we've lectured and taught some pretty brilliant companies and minds (above)about our approach and how to start and succeed on this journey. Cue logo wall of proof:
This brings me to today's first email. We've been getting a LOT of questions from creative and corporate leaders about design teams and AI.
So, Mia created something brilliant: The AI PLaybook for design teams.
This Wednesday we're going to be presenting it to 500+ leaders of design teams from Youtube, Cisco, Airbnb, MailChimp, Microsoft, Asana, Lyft, Amazon, Meta, and I thought you might like to join.
It's free, will take but an hour, live and you'll get to see my bearded Aussie face and hear Mia and I talk about the future of design teams. (Also you'll get access to the playbook (40+ pages of AI strategy gold)
If you're tweet-inclined, this is a mega thread of RESOURCES of inspiration and the taxonomy to create your own art/design using generative tools such as Midjourney or Dall-e:
I've been writing my thoughts on LinkedIn for a little while - maybe that's where you came from (welcome!) - and so for some AI-Centric musings that might not be quite what you expect from an AI enthusiast - Clicky Click Here!
Popular Articles include (but are not limited to):
Well, that’s it for issue minus one. I am doing my best to get you more content more regularly but let’s not get ahead of ourselves.
PS Thank you to the brilliant Susan Kare for designing the original Mac OS interfaces and inspiring me for 1 billion years.
Come connect with me all over the bloody shop:
X (Formerly “Blue Bird Brand Tweets”)