Not Content Issue 0.2: Creative AI Workflow Secrets - Live This Week.

This Week's Live Event: Wednesday Workflow Wonders.

You're reading NotConfusing - the < 5-minute lowdown on AI tools for creatives, brands creatives and agencies.

Welcome back. As promised, I’m going to try and do this every week. LOL. Ok, don’t laugh, but I really am.

At least I’m going to try and deliver you SOMETHING of value.

THUS, live this week:

How do you even get started with an AI workflow? Which tools do you choose? The confusion is real, the options are endless and the decision to step into this world is essential but massive.

So - after 18 months of doing commercial creative work and inventing workflow after workflow, revising them week by week as new tools come out and the tech gets harder, faster & stronger I’ve learned a “few” things.

This week on Designing With AI, Mia and I are breaking down HOW and WHERE to start thinking about workflows for AI. We’ll touch on:

  • Product Design

  • Web Design

  • Inspiration and Brainstorming

  • Graphic Design & illustration

  • Photography

  • Campaigns & Product

  • Video & Animation

  • AI vs Automation and the intersection of the two

  • Productivity for Creatives and Designers

There’s a LOT, but we’re hell-bent on making it easy to digest and sharing everything we’ve learned with the creative community.

Want to see the output of such workflows AND tap your feet to a fun fun backing track: See My Sizzle Reel Here.

At We’ve been busy levelling up our product campaign game with some brilliant new tools & workflows we’ve got access to in beta - and the output is INSANE. (this is one of the workflows we’re looking at this week):

Last week’s AI PLAYBOOK FOR TEAMS event was a smashing success - we maxed out all 500 registrations from design and creative leaders, and more questions than we could handle whilst also being our gregarious selves live on camera.

If you’re a leader of a team in your organisation - put aside an hour (or less if you watch us on 1.25x speed) to dive into this this week.

We’re also hosting a full hour of Q&A in a few weeks about the Teams Playbook - keep an eye on your inbox for this.

My friend Allie put together a great comparison of the 3 major Gen Ai Image tools for creatives - Midjourney VS Adobe Firefly VS Dall-E 3:

How about learning how to create an epic seamless collage that can probably go on forever?? Reply back to this email and I’ll teach you how. Seriously.

I mean, imagine this as your Instragam grid. I used to spend WEEKS creating these types of grids for brands and have managed to find workflows that reduce that by 90%. (head explodemoji)

Come connect with me all over the bloody shop:

X (Formerly “Blue Bird Brand Tweets”)